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A World Without You Productions

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Fuck you!

This site is to regulary inform you of how bad life really is. Mainly because you are in it. I will post my good friend kyle's flyers up just to show you how well planned and how needed his ideas are. I must say if you are looking for a website that gives advice, you've found it. And here it is, the advice you've been waiting for. JUST FUCKING KILL YOURSELF!!!

Lord Of Controversy

I am the Lord of contoversy. I will destroy that inwhich I do not like and/or that in which I dissaprove of. I will reign supreme over any who dare question me and my excellency. I am god on this world. I am the first to be saved incase of alien invasion, or zombie outbreak, but I will be the last to go for children and woman first, White woman and children! I am god!!!

The God's chose me to rule this world, not you.

Like I said I am fucking god. You don't like it I'll fucking smyte you. I am the greatest being to walk upon this world.